Ants are one of the hardest pests to get rid of whether they have infiltrated your home or your yard. Ants are extremely social insects where they create a mound of dirt with a queen ant and begin to over take your land by creating satellite mounds to keep their main nest from being destroyed. They are also fast producing creatures, multiplying without any control. There are several ways to assert ant pest control, but what is the best method for riding yourself of the pests for the entire season?
Methods For Control
Ant powder is one method of ant pest control. The ant powder is supposed to be spread on the dirt mounds you find so that the ants will dies when they surface or go back to the home front. Unfortunately, those that survive the ant powder move on to create a new mound. There are also ant pest control baits. These baits attract the ants to the smell and then poison them. The downside to this method is the attraction of new ants.
Sprays can be harmful to you and your family if used improperly and are a less natural method, but effective. Sprays can work a larger area to keep the ants from infiltrating your home and creating new mounds. Spray however only lasts for a little while.
Using all three methods can be very effective for riding yourself of your ant problem. The best ant pest control is considering the type that ants will carry into the mother nest. In order to kill the ants you need to kill the queen as well, so the pesticide that an ant can carry and spread into the mound is the most effective method.
Which Type Of Ants Do You Have
When you are trying to have ant pest control you will need to know the type of ant you are dealing with. There are many products on the shelves, but unless you buy the right kind for the ants you have you won’t succeed in total annihilation of the problem.
The best way to determine, which kind of ants you have is to find an online resource for ants. Some common ants are carpenter ants, which are large and black, sugar ants that are attracted to homes, and fire ants. Carpenter ants are large, but they can get into a home especially if you live in a dry climate in the woods. Carpenter ants are hard to kill because you can’t always tell where they are getting in and you might not be able to find their nest. Unlike some ants they don’t create mounds above the earth. To find out what type of ants you have be sure to visit an online guide, such as this one on, before beginning ant pest control.