Note that this article is a quick guide, not a comprehensive one. It’s not meant to be a substitute for professional advice. If you have questions about drug testing and your job search, contact your local Workforce Center or visit the Job Accommodation Network (JAN).
What Companies Require A Drug Test?
The short answer is: All companies that offer medical insurance to their employees. The longer answer is that many employers use pre-employment tests as part of their hiring process. And some states require all employees to undergo random drug testing.
Some companies may also conduct random drug tests during employment, or after an employee has been on the job for some time. In addition, some employers have policies that allow them to randomly test employees at any time — even if they have no evidence that an employee has used drugs or alcohol on the job.
Does Tesla Drug Test?
So, does Tesla drug test or not? Yes, Tesla does require all prospective employees to pass a drug test before being hired by the company and during employment. The company also conducts random urine tests for current employees every six months and for those who have access to sensitive information in its facilities (such as financial data).
How Often Are Employees Tested?
Tesla conducts drug tests once every six months for all current employees. The company also requires all prospective hires to submit to a drug test before they are hired by Tesla and during employment.
Tesla Drug Test Policy
Tesla has a zero-tolerance policy for all illegal drugs and alcohol use.
All current employees must pass a pre-employment drug test before being hired by Tesla and every six months thereafter.
Are There Exceptions?
Tesla does have some exceptions to its drug testing policy. The company does not require current employees to submit to a drug test if they work in a safety-sensitive position, such as construction or manufacturing.