SEO Strategies to Get You Started

Getting started in SEO may be a tricky business, especially if you have never looked into it before. However, with the rise of technology, and with almost every company in existence developing an online presence to build awareness and increase customer interactions, going digital is no longer just an option. It is a must.

There are three dynamics that combine to create a well-developed SEO strategy: social media, content and links. Separately, these factors may not do much. However, when combined, they create an unbeatable combination that ensures your website rankings improve and your business prospers. Of course, simply throwing these elements together and expecting instant results is a sure-fire way of landing in a big puddle of disappointment. But if done right the sky is the limit. It is always best to hire a professional SEO agency, such as Responspartner AS, for the best possible results, but if you feel confident that you can do it on your own here are some tips.

SEO training is all about learning how to conduct consistent management and upkeep of current strategies and adding to each element to make sure it is generating the results that you need. Social media contributes to the strategy by creating social signals and adding links to your business’ website, in order to show your customers, as well as search engines, that your website is important and worthy of a high amount of traffic. Social media is also a great way of getting other people to share your content, creating more links back to your website whilst also spreading the word about your business.

Additionally, social media allows you to interact with your current and new clients in a way that is transparent. Everyone sees the comments of others and this makes your brand seem more credible, especially if you are getting a lot of positive feedback. Of course, this does come with drawbacks. If you are receiving a lot of negative feedback and not so many shares of your content, it may well be time to update or change your social media strategy. A process of trial and error in the early stages of a business start-up is a great way of finding out exactly what does work and what doesn’t.

The second element, content, is arguably the most important. Spreading relevant and interesting content to your target audience with the intent of profit-generation is the best way of capturing their attention and showing them exactly why it is that they should be interested in what your company has to offer. Unique and relevant content will also get more shares and ‘Likes’ on social media networks, and thus the two elements are intertwined.

Lastly, links allow Google to know that your website is important, and help with your page rank and authority. These links can be provided by social media platforms, shares, and great content which also links back to your website. In this way, it becomes the third element, which combines together to create a great SEO marketing strategy to suit any business.