Choosing a family dog is also a choice of gender. This is a matter of personal preference. It’s implanted in a dog’s genes to reproduce. Females are at regular times in heat. During this period, which is about 2 to 3 weeks, they are looking for a dog, any dog at all. Some female even break loose to mate. Needless to say dogs are always interested in a bitch in heat. They will howl all night, stop eating, break loose, in other words, the “s..” word is flickering in their eyes! Spaying your female or neutering your dog is an option. But without consistent food control, spaying or neutering can lead to obesity. Even the coat texture can change. Some breeds turn into fluffy bears. Regular and thorough grooming may help. On the other hand, most vets will tell you that spaying or neutering will minimize diseases like cancer. Before spaying or neutering your dog, this option should always be discussed with your personal vet.
The decision you make when choosing a family dog will probably influence your life for the next 10 to 15 years. With this knowledge and these tips for pet choice as backup, you will hopefully make the right choice. Nothing is more fulfilling than bonding with your dog and enjoying life together!
Now you still have to figure out if choosing a family dog is choosing a full breed or a mixed breed puppy. Or maybe you would rather take a full grown dog or a dog from a shelter? Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So feel free to explore our website to find out more on these subjects!